Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I can't sleep.
My mind delves deep
Into the mines of the past.
So much regret
Lining the depths,
Glittering in the caves of nightmare.
How long will this last?

I should have spoken
Or given a token
Of what I felt and thought.
It wouldn't matter,
But I'd feel better
Letting the truth be made whole.
Simple rest is sought.

A restless mind
Pores with eyes blind,
But imagination blazing with vision,
Through time and space.
A greeting, a face,
Burning into my soul's tapestry.
Is this a prison?

Your words I hear,
And so I must fear
That I could have changed nothing.
What longing imparts
Cannot change human hearts,
Despite all the striving of affection.
Did it count for something?

I can't sleep.
Can you?

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