Alone, we come into this world.
But not alone, for guides watch over us.
Cooing, calling, soothing our bawling.
Caressing and holding until we are falling,
Blissfully into safe unconsciousness.
At once helpless and helped, life is unfurled.
Days, months, years pass away.
Early days move to adolescence.
Feelings, changes, joys, rages,
Fretting over freedom, breaking our cages.
Emptiness assaults our new-found sense.
Did we not used to be happy each day?
Grow to adulthood, the process is slow.
Holding ourselves to standards and goals.
Imagining successes to come,
Initiative easy for some.
Higher, further; once, we were foals.
Great is our learning; how little we know.
Judging the future: an impossible task.
Kicking and screaming, we fly through life.
Longing, not quenched; desires remain.
Living itself seems to drive us insane.
Kaleidoscope of action and strife.
Just some clarity: is that too much to ask?
Making one's self into something worthwhile:
Not simple, nor clear, but murky at best.
Only some things are truly known:
One Who does not leave us alone.
Now, there is little in which we can rest;
More than us: that we cannot defile.
Predicted, but forgotten.
Quick will it come, the great judgment.
Rain of fire and reign of the higher.
Reality is more than our empire.
Quench your thirst; don the raiment.
Prince of peace, of Spirit begotten.
Sanguine sanctification.
Truly, I say to you; no one can come.
Undying: He is the only path.
Using our hate, He put off His wrath.
The holiness of Himself he gave to some.
Surrender, every nation.
Viciously we scorned.
Watched him die without pity.
Xenophobic race, we feared the inexpressible.
Xenial Father born in a stable,
Wills us live in garden and city.
Victorious are we, though His head we thorned.
Youthful ignorance haunts us; we know naught.
Zest for life falters in our constant, foolish doubt.
Zealously we search for what we think ourselves without.
Yearning for surety; by Christ, already bought.
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